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The Landscape Ecological Limits versus Areas of Natural Constraints
Anna Špinerová, László Miklós
232 - 236
Clánok / Article
Urban Agriculture – Traditions and a new Ways of Development
Ján Supuka, Lubica Feriancová, Attila Tóth
237 - 241
Clánok / Article
Characteristics of Agricultural at the Soils East-Slovak Lowland and the Possibilities of Improving of their Productive Potential
Eva Michaeli, Jozef Vilcek, Monika Ivanová
242 - 246
Clánok / Article
The Impact of Temperature Inversions on Environment and Biota
Vladimír Michalko, Jaroslav Škvarenina
247 - 253
Clánok / Article
Techniques for Reducing Ammonia Emissions from Livestock Production
V. Brestenský
254 - 255
Kontakty / Contacts
Imprint 47/4
Tiráž / Imprint


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