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Present State and Perspectives of Protected and Ecologically Valuable Areas in the Urban Environment of Bratislava
Tatiana Hrnčiarová
88 - 93
Článok / Article
Impact of Tourism on the Vegetation of the Krkonoše National Park
Jitka Málková
94 - 98
Článok / Article
Land-use Changes in the Starina Water Basin Area
Martin Boltižiar, František Petrovič
98 - 101
Článok / Article
Military District Boletice - the Island without Eutrophization
Vít Grulich
102 - 105
Článok / Article
Periphera Regions in the Czechia - One of the Poles of the Polarized Space
Pavel Chromý, Vít Jančák
106 - 108
Tribúna / Tribune
Environmental Regionalization of the Slovakia
Peter Bohuš
109 - 111
Kontakty / Contacts
Imprint 39/2
Tiráž / Imprint


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