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Obálka / Cover
Monitoring the content of toxic heavy metals Pb, Cd, As, Hg using bryophytes as bioindicators in the period 1990 - 2020 in Slovakia.
Jana Borovská, Tomáš Rusňák
4 - 15
Článok / Article
Ecological assessment of dragonflies (Odonata) and their habitats in the dolnovážska niva floodplain (SW Slovakia).
Katarína Gerhátová, Patrik Forro, Stanislav David
16 - 37
Článok / Article
Development of municipal waste separation in the hrušov-beňadice microregion in 2016 and 2020.
Dominika Gduľová, Regína Mišovičová, Veronika Piscová
38 - 60
Článok / Article
Conditions for the development of gardens in Bratislava and changes in their landscape structure from 50. years of the 20th century to the present.
Daniela Babicová, Ivana Kozelová, Dagmar Štefunková, Andrej Palaj
61 - 81
Článok / Article
Bugs (Heteroptera) in the vicinity of Sládkovičovo (southern Slovakia)
Oto Majzlan, Jozef Cunev
82 - 98
Článok / Article
Theoretic-methodical base of the generation of the atlas of natural capital of Slovakia.
László Miklós
99 - 124
Článok / Article
The impact of habitat selection on the dispersion and abundance of sympatric forest rodents.
Andrej Mateček, Ladislav Hloška, Ivan Baláž
125 - 140
Článok / Article
Imprint 15/2
Tiráž / Imprint

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