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Cover 15/1
Obálka / Cover
Carrying capacity of the hiking trail leading through the Great Cold valley in the High Tatras.
Nicol Gedeonová, Veronika Piscová, Juraj Hreško
4 - 25
Článok / Article
Actualization of the methodology for calculation of regional emission inventory of pollutants from railway transport in the Czech republic.
Leoš Pelikán, Ivo Dostál, Zuzana Kačmárová, Anna Tišlerová
26 - 38
Článok / Article
Biodiversity of beetles (Coleoptera) changes over time (oak forest in Jurský Šúr near bratislava city)
Oto Majzlan, Pavol Purgat
39 - 66
Článok / Article
Geodiversity assessment of the Slovenské rudohorie mts.
Mária Barančoková, Daniela Babicová, Zdena Krnáčová
67 - 95
Článok / Article
Changes in green infrastructure in cadastre of the town Skalica from the 18th century to the present.
Ivana Kozelová
96 - 105
Článok / Article
The praticol communities of insect (insecta) in the growth of an ecomically significant crop (brassica napus).
Radoslav Kvasničák, Ján Brindza, Vanesa Velšicová
106 - 124
Článok / Article
Imprint 15/1
Tiráž / Imprint

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